Celestia | She/Her | 21 | Asian

BYF / About

— ✿ — Do Not Follow If — ✿ —
✿ Under the age of 15
✿ Racist, colorist, xenophobic, sexist, misogynistic, misogynoir, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, enbyphobic, ableist, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, etc.
✿ Into or support problematic content/content creators (ex: Dream SMP)
✿ Don't believe in tagging
✿ Often post MOGAI and neopronouns/nounpronouns discourse
✿ Republican or Conservative
✿ Support Donald Trump
— ❀ — Ask To Follow If — ❀ —
❀ Former fan of Dream SMP
❀ Genuinely support Joe Biden
(Please remember we settled for Biden)
— ✿ — Please Tag— ✿ —
✿ R@p3 (Symbol: ❌)
✿ 3@✝1ng D1s0rd3rs (Symbol: 🍴)
✿ Arachnophobia (Symbol: 🕷️)
✿ Trypophobia (Symbol: ⭕)
✿ Submechanophobia (Symbol: ⚓)
If you've read this, please message me with your name, pronouns, and what you need tagged!

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— ✿ — About — ✿ —
✿ Celestia
✿ She/Her
✿ 21 years (31/10/02)
✿ Japanese/Thai
✿ Interested in animanga, cats, games, kpop, and music
— ❀ — Disclaimers — ❀ —
❀ I try my best to tag everything! If I forget to tag your trigger, then please message me
❀ Mostly SFW with occasional NSFW, will be tagged
❀ Please don't make fun of me for not understanding English the same way you do
❀ Also, please don't make fun of me for not being able to properly convey what I'm trying to say in English
❀ Carrd made by Celestia
— ✿ — Socials — ✿ —
✿ TikTok @ Strawberry.Celestia
✿ Instagram @ StrawberryCelestia
✿ Tumblr @ StrawberryCelestia
✿ WattPad @ MutedPianist
✿ Quotev @ WolfSquad

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My name is Celestia and I'm being abused by my family who I'm financially and medically dependent on. I need your help escaping this household, however, I only have $7.94 total in my bank account and I'm unemployed due to my severe disabilities and mental illnesses.
If you have any money to donate, even if it's just $1, please help me. If you don't have the money to donate, please spread the word so someone who can help donate hears.
If you know of any ways I can earn quick and easy money online, please help me by letting me know and directing me to the source.
I don't know how much I need, but my friend advised me that $2000-$2500 USD is a good start.My CashApp is $StrawberryCelestia
My Venmo is @StrawberryCelestia
CashApp is preferred.
Thank you!

BYF / About